Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The True Blessings of Love…

Before I met the love of my life, my life was completely different… I was always a happy one yet it has never been this complete, as it is today. I never thought a day would come where I wake up in the morning and feel completely happy. It is not something that can be explained very easily. It’s such a blissful feeling, where I feel extremely safe and need no words from him to know that I’m loved beyond words by a wonderful human being, who is so sure of his decision made to spend the rest of his life with me and only me…

I used to think that love is complicated. It’s actually not complicated at all when you meet your soul mate.  I’m not telling love is ever going to be rosy as everyone would love to picture it but if two people love each other it is not too hard to look beyond a simple mistake or dislike of each other..

I guess our secret to true happiness and bliss is we try to keep our small battles only between both of us and we will be done with our misunderstandings within an hour and say the magic word, SORRY, whether we were wrong or right at that situation..

As long as we remember our love is much stronger than any issue out there, we will always be together, happily in love, always hugging, kissing and smiling from the heart even at the most hardest times in life…  We have promised to teach ourselves every day to look beyond the imperfections and opening up with love rather than hate… A good hug with and the words I love you from the heart can fix most troubles… Being genuine is hard, I know... but that is the foundation to everything...

If someone needs their space we need to learn to give that too.  Being solitary is also important to realize what we are and what we really want to be as a person, a friend and as a couple.

Both of us are not perfect in any way but we are uniquely just perfect for each other. We are so different yet when we are together we feel like, we are the same.. And we make plans as we go along to get through our struggles with our love and by tolerating our differences.

There is no point in shouting at your better half if he fails to take you somewhere. First remind your self  to ask him whether he had a bad day.. Trust me, you rather have a happy partner in the long run than going to a  function that made your husband/ boyfriend miserable after a tiring day. It can wear you off as well after sometime, because he is just not happy.  

He is the one who take cares of you and loves you every day.. A function or most people in life will come and go..  The little moments of truly caring for your partner's well being will be appreciated through out life.. So my advice to the hot tempered ones are to think 10 times before hurting your loved ones for a small moment of happiness.. I have experienced in real life, this simple thinking process will lead to lot less regrets in life...  You do not have to give in always but sense and learn when to push and when to pull away.. Observing and learning is way better than letting your mouth run its tap of disappointments because of a simple moment of anger. Patience gives out great rewards...  He might take you some where more beautiful and romantic tomorrow as a surprise...

I thank god every day for the all that has been offered to me in life…I’m  even  thankful for the past mistakes in life because now I know how to appreciate the people who actually love me for who I really am and who loves to see me grow and be better as a person...

I hope and pray all of you’ll will be touched by the wonders of true love everyday… You'll definitely wake up smiling and go to bed smiling too.. No two relationships are going to be alike. Have your own perfect version. It will be such a awesome feeling.. Don't compare your relationships with any other person's relationship.. but if you see a great couple, be inspired.. Learning good values will never hurt anyone..

Remember anger is just like poison.. It can ruin many things.. Learn to love, be kind and be patient..Cos love can conquer it all and it will always be a true blessing to life...


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